
Sunday, October 23, 2011

What is Love ?

What is Love ?

Those who do not like it, call it responsibility.
Those who play with it, call it a game.
Those who do not have it, call it a dream.
And those who love, call it fate.

Sometimes god knows best,will give trouble to test us, sometimes he makes our hearts hurt, so that lesson can be embedded in,if we lose the love then there would be a reason behind it.that are sometimes difficult to understand but we must continue to believe that when he took something, he still gives a better.

Why should we wait?
because although we want to make decisions, we do not want to rush.
because although we want quickly, we do not want frivolous,
because although we want to quickly find the people we love, we do not want to lose our identity in the search process.
if you want to run, learn to walk first,
if you want to swim, learn to float first.
If you want to be loved, learn to love first.
In the end better to wait for the people we want, rather than choosing what is there. Still better to wait for our loved ones, rather than satisfying themselves with what is, still better to wait for the right person, because life is too short to pass up with the wrong choice,
because waiting has a noble purpose and mysterious. You need to know that the flowers do not bloom overnight, the city of Rome is not built in a day, life is knitted in the womb for nine months. The great love continues to grow for life. most beautiful things in life take a long time, and we are not waiting in vain, although waiting requires a lot of things, faith, courage, and hope. Waiting promising one thing that no one can imagine. In the end, god in every lesson, asking us to wait for an important reason.


Do not ever flatter love if you do not understand the meaning of love.

Salahkah Kita

Pernahkah kita berpikir bahwa setiap perkataan kita akan di minta pertanggung jawabannya? apakah kita mampu untuk mempertanggung jawankannya? Mulut kita ini bagaikan pedang yang mana bila sudah menusuk akan terasa sakit sekali, bahkan diri kita dapat terluka olehnya.Oleh karena itu kita harus pandai pandai memelihara mulut kita. Terlalu banyak berbicara juga tidak baik.

Terkadang ada juga orang yang berpikir untuk memperbaiki dirinya dengan diam, tapi diam saja tidaj cukup, semua itu harus ada tindakan. Terkadang banyak orang yant tidak bisa menerima kita karena sifat kita, tapi mengapa ? mengapa hal itu terjadi ? Apakah kita salah dengan semua itu ? kita salah dengan sikap kita. Terkadang kita sulit untuk melakukan perubahan tapi kita harus berusaha.

Lalu bagaimana dengan orang yang terlanjur membenci kita ? kita tidak bersalah namun kita harus pintar-pintar mengambil sikap terhadap orang yang telah membenci kita, kita harus tetap berlaku baik kepada mereka, mungkin dengan cara itulah suatu saat nanti mereka akan mengerti dan akan menerima diri kita kembali.

Perubahan seseorang itu tergantung dengan apa yang di alaminya, karena itulah orang lain tidak bisa mengerti kita karena mereakaa tidak mengalaminya sendiri.Itulah hidup penuh dengan problem-problem yang harus kita hadapi.Kita harus kuat untuk menghadapinya dan selalu bersikap baik kepada semua.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Example for Procedure Text

How To Save Document In The Computer

Hi every Body ! All of u know the computer, Right ???
Do u Have Computer ??? Usually we need computer to do our work and we can save our work as a document in the computer.Do u know how to save it ? Right ! it's not difficult.

Well, I will tell u how to save document in the computer.
Listen to me, Please !

First, We have to turn on the computer. Plug the power cord,press the power button on, then press the right buttonof the monitor. After a few minutes, We will see a windows menu on the monitor. And than, hold the mouse gently and move the arrow pointer on the start menu and click it.

After that click the program menu and choose Microsoft Word then type your document, after typing click file,choose save as, and give a name for the new document then Click Save. Finnally click icon exit to close.

Okay! your document is saved

Thank for your attention, Good Bye......... (^__^)